My Words and Thoughts… Part 1; Feelings…

Have You ever felt like there’s a deep hole in Your heart that aches whenever you’re in deep thinking?
Have You ever had that feeling that You need an emergency rescue because You feel like Your heart’s sinking?
Have You ever felt like someone stabbed You in the heart just by using mere words???!!!
Words go a long way. They can give life a meaning sometimes and can also take away every essence, meaning and reason to live!
But amid all that pain, do You ever feel like there’s something that gives You a lil bit of hope and makes You feel like You’re in a happy and peaceful environment? Sometimes, it seems like it’s real but You’re actually dreaming?

I ain’t a sad person, but I ain’t also a very happy person.
I hate it when people complain when I express my anger through frowns. It’s my face ain’t it?! Even though’ I try in the best possible way to fake a smile when I’m angry and hurt by someone or something, the sadness just shows no matter how hard I try. But, in life, I’ve learnt to be mindful of what I’ve got to say and do to people who have hurt me ‘cuz my words and actions can either make someone’s day, lifetime or Mar it!

*Follow me on Twitter; @lerie_menake.
Email; ©Valerie Jo Ekanem; Lerie Jo Menake Inc.